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Success Factors of the Html Code in SEO

Success Factors of the Html Code in SEO


HTML is the basic code used for developing web pages. And as one of the basic factors, HTML certainly has a considerable influence on Search Engine Optimization efforts. Some of them are summarized in the explanation of the factors below.

Title Tag

Please imagine if we write 100 different books but give the same title. How can readers understand what the difference between one book and another is?

Or, what if we write 100 different books, give different titles, but the titles we give are too short and not descriptive. Of course, in general the same problem in the first case still occurs.

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Likewise in developing site pages, we recognize the HTML title tag, which serves as a substitute for the title. Title tags will help search engine bots understand what the contents of our site are. If we are wrong or do not make a good title tag, it will be difficult for search engines to understand our site.



So try to pay more attention to this HTML code, generally the title tag is not only in the general information of the site but also in loyal posts. Complete with the keywords that we have set before, and make a title that is not only interesting but also able to give a view to the reader about the contents of the page.

Meta Description Tag

Completing the HTML for the title, the next common factor we encounter is the description or description tag. For information, this tag is the longest code created and recognized by search engines.

The problem, not a few SEO observers, stated that the Meta Description Tag no longer had a big influence on SEO. Indeed, indirectly this is true, but if combined with many other factors, Description Tags still give effect to the success of SEO efforts.

For example, by entering targeted keywords into the description, it also indirectly increases crawling of our site for those keywords.



Next thing that needs to be understood is that currently search engines have developed their own algorithms to form descriptions of a page or article. If a description tag is made that doesn’t really reflect the contents of the page, the search engine will automatically make its own description.

Structured Data

Related to HTML code, actually search engines have a certain number of codes that can be used by site developers to inform detailed data in a better way. This is what is called Structured Data.

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Practicing in the field, one of the common examples we see is the rich snippet developed by the Google search engine. Rich Snippet is a special code that can be added so that later search results for our pages can be more interesting.



For example, maybe colleagues have seen star rows on search engine results. This is a rich snippet in the form of a review and rating, obtained by the page.

The advantage, of course, is to add a sign like that, able to attract the attention of readers to click and enter on our site. Research, also shows that sites that develop rich snippet will get higher views than those who don’t.

Header Tags

And the last factor for the HTML code category is the header tag. Header Tags are codes that are used to indicate that the word or sentence is the prefix or headline of our page.

For bloggers, usually find this tag when writing articles with the signs H1 to H4. H1 can be interpreted as the main headline of our article. The further down, the number shows the importance of the headlines that we make.



This code is more appropriate for pages that do have a writing structure. Usually there are not only headlines, the article also has sub headlines and derivatives.

To note, sometimes the mistakes of beginners are to use H1 tags for the entire article. Instead of getting a positive effect, this would be detrimental. Both search engines and readers, will not be comfortable with the content.